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Stop Forced Covid-19 Antigen Testing in Schools, States Going AGAINST FDA Recommendations STRATEGY

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

States are going AGAINST FDA PROTOCOL in administering Covid-19 Antigen Protocols in Schools and creating mass harm to students and teachers alike. Time for it to STOP

Read on for a strategy to stop the madness, and use their own evidence to expose the game:


Covid-19 testing is a disaster and it is now an open secret that the testing protocol are responsible for creating MASS false positives cases

As this site petition advocates, all Covid-19 mass testing programs need to immediately cease. None are suitable for correct diagnosis of Sars CoV2, the virus attributed to cause Covid-19 and the use of unsuitable testing methods has completely compromised and corrupted all case data and Covid-19 research studies employing faulty testing to determine diagnosis and end point outcomes However, until we are successful with ceasing these protocols entirely, it is important to be aware of strategies to STOP this testing and subjecting your children to unnecessary medical testing procedures.

Right now, states are rolling out or expanding mass Antigen testing in schools that goes AGAINST FDA warning for use of Antigen tests in low incident populations.

Right now, Covid-19 'cases' are plummeting like a rock. This is due to a little notice changed testing protocol that requires reporting of a cycle threshold numbers for Covid-19 PCR tests. Cycle Threshold is the number of times Covid-19 PCR test sample material is amplified to detect the shortened RNA strands that flag a test as positive for infection with virus attributed to Covid-19.

The problem is that if the cycle is run too high (too many times), it over amplifies the material and detects dead, non infectious material. New York Times outed this last summer, and up to 90% of tests from three states studied were nothing more than false positive tests. The WHO now requires that number to be reported with the lab report but STILL has not corrected for the issue and stopped using PCR tests peer review has deemed 'useless' for diagnosis of the virus. Hence, test numbers going down....down....down......

Here is the testing error section in our petition that documents all the testing issues with sources and links included HERE:


Enter the Antigen Test.

Antigen tests should NOT be used at all due to their lack of specificity. Antigen testing in schools with low incidence populations (all of America right now) will produce up to ONE HUNDRED FALSE POSITIVE according to the FDA. Your school. Right now.

How can that be? Take a look:

Here is the FDA's guideline, right off their webpage:

Remember that positive predictive value (PPV) varies with disease prevalence when interpreting results from diagnostic tests. PPV is the percent of positive test results that are true positives. As disease prevalence decreases, the percent of test results that are false positives increase.

  • For example, a test with 98% specificity would have a PPV of just over 80% in a population with 10% prevalence, meaning 20 out of 100 positive results would be false positives.

  • The same test would only have a PPV of approximately 30% in a population with 1% prevalence, meaning 70 out of 100 positive results would be false positives. This means that, in a population with 1% prevalence, only 30% of individuals with positive test results actually have the disease.

  • At 0.1% prevalence, the PPV would only be 4%, meaning that 96 out of 100 positive results would be false positives.

  • Health care providers should take the local prevalence into consideration when interpreting diagnostic test results

Right now, in the county I am in, we are at .08% PPV You arrive at the PPV number by finding out your county population, determine the last two week average of active cases (available on your state's Covid-19 dashboard) and then find out the test which antigen test they use to determine specificity rate. Most are about 98% specificity.

Here, it went, two hundred 'active' cases Population of country 125,000 people

.08 prevalence rate. 98% test specificity average to about 99.98 false positive cases

ACCORDING TO THE FDA OWN FORMULA. It will be the same where you are. When states use these tests against FDA government recommendation, they are creating FALSE cases and then rationalizing more testing that will create MORE GARBAGE data. Thus, totally disrupting your life, your child's life, the teacher's lives and any sense of normalcy for all involved.

It is time to DEMAND that the schools stop administering the tests against the government's OWN FDA recommendation, Here is a sample letter from a case with the location taken out, but the data is all accurate and the numbers correct.

Call your school superintendent to find out who is the coordinator for school testing in your state, call them, and then cc all the relevant school leadership. Good luck!


Immediate Attention Requested:

CC:FDA Flagged Severe Issues with Antigen Testing Protocol in Public Schools per FDA

This is follow up email to my conversation this morning with ________ health coordinator overseeing Covid-19 testing with the _____ Public Schools. Right now, ______ is employing antigen testing in schools that goes against the FDA recommendations for use in low incident populations (low Covid 19 infection rate numbers.

The severity of this issue can NOT be underestimated as application in this setting will create near total false positive results that are in no credible to guide public health policy:

Antigen testing is contraindicated in low incidence populations and according to the FDA, its implementation in this population group will result in MAJORITY false positives with _______ County incidence level at only at a .008 rate.

According to the current _______ Covid Daily Dashboard, there are 25,291 current infections in the state. Population of 6.9 million State Wide Incidence of estimated .3%

110 cases reported on Official _______ Daily Dashboard Site in _____ County:

124,994 population - best current estimate for ________County

Covid-19 estimated attributed infection rate:



Remember that positive predictive value (PPV) varies with disease prevalence when interpreting results from diagnostic tests. PPV is the percent of positive test results that are true positives. As disease prevalence decreases, the percent of test results that are false positives increase.

  • For example, a test with 98% specificity would have a PPV of just over 80% in a population with 10% prevalence, meaning 20 out of 100 positive results would be false positives.

  • The same test would only have a PPV of approximately 30% in a population with 1% prevalence, meaning 70 out of 100 positive results would be false positives. This means that, in a population with 1% prevalence, only 30% of individuals with positive test results actually have the disease.

  • At 0.1% prevalence, the PPV would only be 4%, meaning that 96 out of 100 positive results would be false positives.

  • Health care providers should take the local prevalence into consideration when interpreting diagnostic test results.

At ______ County current incidence rates, this would indicate near 100% of tests would be false positive according to the FDA criteria.

This testing is obviously not suitable for the method it is being implemented by the county or the state, and test administration should immediately cease as the data will generate near total inaccurate results,

Currently, doctors and other health professionals are working to advocate for the ending of this testing due to the issue highlight above as well as SEVERE issues with PCR & Antibody Testing. It is imperative that those charged with implementing this testing be made aware of these issues as there is pending litigation on this issue, extensive and publicly available documentation of this evidence which administrators are responsible for reviewing as all of the Covid-19 test protocols are issued on an emergency approval basis.

It should be noted that _________ employed this testing on a widescale basis at the beginning of November, 2020, the incident rate for that time for the state was only .5%, so it is estimated that 86 out of a 100 of antigen tests implemented would result in 86 out of a 100 cases reported after mass testing were in fact, false positive results. Significant issues have also been flagged with PCR & antibody testing. Further information is available upon individual request

It is incumbent on administrators to immediately address these concerns and contact public health and government officials to warn them of these issues.

We have attempted good faith contacts with public health leadership at town and state level with little effect. We want to make certain staff directed to implement protocols are aware of the seriousness of this issue.

The state is acting against the advisement of test use by the FDA, immediate correction must occur. Misapplication of these tests in low incidence settings will create non-credible results that threaten significant disruption to students and teachers lives.

Parents & teachers I have spoken with are extremely concerned about this issue. Health Professionals are acting to correct this issue with appropriate public boards however all schools administering testing against Federal Government guidelines should be aware these directives are flagged for substantial error by the FDA.

Kind Regards

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