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Italy Seize 400,000 Astrazeneca Vaccines/Manslaughter case, Moderna/Pfizer Produce Same Side Effect

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

3/16/2021 - sources lined in story, click on the highlights

In a major development, Italy has seized 400,000 vials of AstraZenca Covid-19 vaccines in a manslaughter case that could change the trajectory of the Covid-19 vaccination program around the world.

In response to this and other cases, Italy has halted the administration of AstreZenca's Covid-19 vaccine pending further investigation into severe reactions post vaccine including cardiac issues and thrombocytopenia, a life threatening blood disorder that have led to death in numerous countries around the world including the US.

Europe's Medical Regulator, World Health Organization officials, and Astrazeneca staunchly denied any link between clots and the vaccines, making the safety declaration before any full safety review and causality could be determined. Italy acted against the officials' protests in suspending the AstraZeneca vaccines, demonstrating a serious and growing distrust with the WHO and pharmaceutical companies ability to autonomously regulate vaccine safety oversight. Countries across Europe and around the globe have either halted use of the AstraZeneca vaccine or paused its use pending safety investigations.

Sandro Tognatti, Clarinetist, Teacher

Italy opened the manslaughter investigation after the death of 57 year old, Sandro Tognatti, a clarinet player, who experienced cardiac issues after administration of the AstraZenca Covid-19 vaccine on March 14, 2020 and died 17 hours later. The seizure of the 400,000 vaccine vials, according to the prosecutor of Biella, Italy was 'carried out as a precaution in order to proceed with the appropriate clinical analyses to refute the danger of the drug".

Other deaths are under current investigation as well. Stefano Paternò, 43, year old Italian Service Member, died at his home on March 10, post Astra Zeneca vaccination of a apparent cardiac issue.

This death is linked to the decision by the Italian medicine's agency AIFA to ban the use of one batch of the AstraZeneca vaccines, batch numberABV2856. Prosecutors have opened a probe and have placed around 10 people under investigation on suspicion of manslaughter. "They include people involved in the distribution of the vaccine and the health personnel who gave the jab" according to ANSA English News Service.

Additionally, Catania prosecutors have also opened a probe into the death of Davide Villa, a 50-year police officer who died at the beginning of March after vaccination with the AstraZenca vaccination and experienced a cardiac thrombosis event.

Investigations follow the release of a letter by 12 prominent European scientists and physicians citing thrombocytopenia as a specific concern for administration of the Sars CoV2 Covid-19 vaccinations. The group has demanded the pharmaceutical companies immediately produce evidence and document adequate safety review regarding seven serious concerns or face Stefano Paternò, Italian Serviceman

rescinding of approval for the drugs. The groups demands are not limited to Astrazeneca, but all current Emergency Approved Covid-19 vaccinations in the EU.

Emergency Stays were filed last year to stop release of the Covid-19 vaccination in Europe by former Vice President of Pfizer, Dr Michael Yeadon, and former lead investigator of the WHO Swine Flu program, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg. Both doctors cited significant safety concerns with the new mRNA technology employed in the vaccines. They also cited issues with accuracy and reliability of the vaccine trials due use of unreliable testing methods to diagnosis Sars Cov2, and measure endpoints in the studies.

Covid-19 Vaccine Associated Thrombocytopenia made the news in the US after a Florida doctor and 36 others either died or experienced serious health disorders with the blood disorder post vaccination. There is significant concern that the majority of post vaccination injuries and deaths will not be reported or monitored due to lack of a adequate reporting system and reluctance among health officials to report issues due to liability concerns.

In the UK, over 243,000 vaccine injuries and deaths have been reported to the UK Assets Vaccine system with over 2,000 blood disorders and 1,000 cardiac events reported as of March 6, 2021. US VAERS vaccine injury reporting system has only captured around 30,000 post vaccine related injuries and deaths despite the U.S. administering greater numbers of vaccines.

There is growing concern that worry over public perception of the safety of the vaccine by public officials is impeding accurate follow up into post vaccination injuries and death. In Virginia public health officials met with the the Governor's press secretary to collude

to write the media narrative around Drene Keyes death. Emails revealed that officials were worried the death of Drene Keyes, a black minister (right) would increase vaccine 'hesitancy' among the black community. The family has paid for its own investigation, and further action is expected in this case.

Serious concerns is mounting , and health professionals have begun to organize to raise public awareness of the risks associated with Covid-19 vaccines and serious individual & public health risks with the current Covid-19 health directives. You can view the full petition compiled from the health professional community here:

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5 Σχόλια

18 Μαρ 2021

Try as i might i cannot understand why the majority are asleep with regard to these 'gene therapies'...vaccines to the uninitiated.

Having researched this for days, i now have worked out that the vaccines are the bio weapon - not the virus.

Those who take the vaccine, come the Autumn, are going to be the super spreaders...they will affect me, not the other way around.

Please, i beg of you -wake up before it's too late. :*(

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25 Μαρ 2021
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I've been al alternatives for decades so was taking most of what was recommended. My friends and i are supposedly in the at risk group, they started last year and not one of us has had the virus. Why are people willing to be guinea pigs, it doesn't make sense?

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Jesus Murphy
Jesus Murphy
16 Μαρ 2021

Good luck with your vaccines. 😎

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