VIDEO: Nurses Town Hall Debunks Media Covid Fallacies, VAERS Data Update, Important News Headlines
Nurses Fighting Mandates, This Week's Feature Video, Nurses Town Hall (photo)

This Week's Companion Blogs: Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates & The Pending Implosion of America's Health Care System, Plus CDC FRAUD 'Another Holocaust Is Taking Place Before Our Very Eyes' Survivors Deliver Letter to EMA, IMPORTANT This week: -Nurse's Town Hall Meeting: Nurses Counter Media False Claims -UK: Top vaccine panel, scientists recommend against Covid-19 vaccines healthy 12 to 15 years olds with Covid-19 vaccinations,
(corrrection, UK has not announced whether it vaccinate this age group against the recommendation of experts as previously reported)
- Severe Neurological Disabled Youth Inoculated with Covid-19 vaccine in violation of Nuremberg trials - media utilizes study with red flag for severe side effects to proclaims mild/moderate side effects expected in young vulnerable population groups
-VAERS data with cut and paste of numerous myocarditis & severe side effect verified reports in teens, media continues to ignore VAERS verified cases of new myocarditis and severe side effects occurring in children and teens
Nurse Town Hall Meeting Debunks Many Common False Media Talking Points, Nurses Report Family Members Dying of Vaccine Injuries (thanks to our sisters and brothers in the field):
Video plays below, click play button:
----------------------------------------- Headline:
UK panel does not recommend COVID vaccines for healthy 12- to 15-year-olds "Britain's vaccine advisers are not recommending the widespread vaccination of 12 to 15-year-olds against Covid-19. The UK is to take a precautionary approach to assess the long-term impacts of rare heart inflammation. The advice could see Britain pursue a different approach to Ireland, which is pursuing broader vaccination of the age group". The US is administering the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 vaccination despite statistically zero risk to populations from Covid-19 attributed infections to individuals under 24 with a higher propensity of risk found in young males. A comprehensive Israel study found up to 1 in 3,000 risk of heart inflammation (myocarditis/pericarditis) with over 1,000 teenagers hospitalized with vaccine related complications since the vaccine administration program was extended to teenagers. Israel reports link between rare cases of heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccination in young men "In a report submitted today to the Israeli Ministry of Health, they conclude that between one in 3000 and one in 6000 men ages 16 to 24 who received the vaccine developed the rare condition". 'Experts' continue to downplay heart inflammation in young populations as mild without informing parents 'mild' cases will involve hospitalization, severe movement restrictions for at least two months, and long term follow up. The long term risks of 'mild cases' will not be known with additional diagnosis. The UK is administering the vaccines in frail and vulnerable population groups against medical ethical standards and the Nuremberg code. Traditionally, medically compromised individuals are the LAST populations to receive authorization for new drugs due to unknown risks for existing health conditions and potential for exacerbation of existing conditions with medical side effects from new pharmaceuticals: Chilling: UK Will Only Inject Learning Disabled and Medically Frail Children with Covid-19 Vaccines The announcement comes as a small UK panel study from a British hospital found 1 of the 27 twelve to fifteen year old in Covid-19 vaccine study experienced a severe side effect with others reporting mild and moderate side effects. ‘Mild to moderate’ side effects after Pfizer jab in 12-to-15-year-olds at high risk from Covid, study finds The study violated Nuremberg rules for medical experimentation on vulnerable populations (and which researches should LOSE their medical license for conducting). The media, inexplicably touted the study as evidence of safety for neuro disabled children despite one of the children experiencing a severe reaction to the vaccine. If this rate held in larger real world studies, it would translate to a 30% severe reaction risk. "Effects in six of the children after their first dose included diarrhoea, presumed sore throat, a mild rash, headache, neck pain, difficulty sleeping and low blood sugars". Seven out of 27 children were made ill by inoculations authorized to suppress Covid-19 attributed symptoms. Public health officials have never explained how inducing side effects mirroring Covid-19 symptoms with drugs which do not stop transmission of disease translates to real world health benefit, and the media does not ask. The media continues to report invalidated Covid-19 case, hospitalizations, and morbidity which are generated through fraudulent attribution standards and severely flawed testing. The public health organization own data and evidence, as well as expert panel peer review document testing unsuitable for detection of Sars CoV2. Testing and attribution standard issues documented with source links HERE and HERE.
------------------------------ Latest European data report may be viewed HERE: 23,252 Deaths 2,189,537 Injured Following COVID Shots Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions VAERS Data for Week Ending 8/27/2021 ***Note: 83% of VAERS Reports are generated from medical providers, state reporting agencies, and pharmaceutical companies. European reporting systems are documenting exponentially higher rates than VAERS data, as the 30 year old monitoring system captures only 1% of post vaccination injuries per Harvard research report. Low capture rate is central issue not credibility. FDA has admitted the mass vaccination program began without adequate safety monitoring system. A recent study from Mass General, Bingham documented anaphylactic reactions post Covid-19 vaccine occurring up to 120x the rate reported to the CDC. This highly suggests the system is continuing to vastly under capture post vaccination adverse events. -There is no mid or long term safety or efficacy data whatsoever on any Covid-19 vaccination, any health professional or public health officials making safety claims on lack of data is in breach of basic medical and scientific ethic, purporting non-evidence based claims as statements of fact. All initial Covid-19 vaccine research and trial data has been fatally compromised through use of testing methods unsuitable for detection of Sars CoV2, the virus attributed to cause symptoms of Covid-19. Any FDA approval based on flawed trial design and lack of mid and long term study bears no scientific credibility for ascertainment of safety and efficacy of these drugs. Over 650,000 injuries and nearly 14,000 deaths recorded in association with Covid-19 vaccinations

Nearly 20,000 injuries in 0 - 18 year population group with over 1,100 Covid-19 vaccine associated hospitalizations:

Numerous new reports of myocardits in teens reported in update in this week's VAERS report-
Following is ONE page of reports submitted to VAERS with medical notes for age 0 to 18.. There are over ONE THOUSAND pages of reports of severe cardiac conditions, anaphylactic shock, blood clotting, deaths, neurological disorders, and other severe side effects. The majority include substantive medical notes. The media is utterly failing to review this data, many of these cases are occurring within the first day to two weeks post vaccination. This week only, will cut and paste ONE page. This is the data the media dismisses as 'voluntary' (false, 83% comes from MANDATED reporters)
Kids are having heart attacks and heart inflammation and pulmonary embolism. Many cases of injury will go under 'Covid-19' based on testing unsuitable for virus detection. Every damn week new cases of SEVERE heart disorders are reported and there is ACTIVE campaign to dismiss data and cover up by media and 'experts'. This population is not at risk from Covid-19 attributed infections as documented HERE
VAERS ID:1632935 (history) Form:Version 2.0 Age:14.0 Sex:Male Location:Oregon
Vaccinated:2021-08-20Onset:2021-08-21 Days after vaccination:1Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-25
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECH- / UNK- / -
Administered by: Private Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Chest pain, Echocardiogram normal, Myocarditis, Troponin increasedSMQs:, Myocardial infarction (narrow), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Immune-mediated/autoimmune disorders (broad)
Life Threatening? No Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? No Office Visit? Yes ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? No Hospitalized? Yes, 2 days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications:Current Illness:Preexisting Conditions:Allergies:Diagnostic Lab Data:CDC Split Type:
Write-up: Patient developed myocarditis with acute chest pain and peak troponin of 11. He required 2 nights of hospitalization. He symptomatically improved within 48 hours with troponin trending down to 6. He had normal echo
VAERS ID:1633163 (history) Form:Version 2.0
Age:15.0 Sex:Male Location:Arizona
Vaccinated:2021-07-30Onset:2021-08-23 Days after vaccination:24Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-25
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECHFA7484 / 1- / SYR
Administered by: Unknown Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Angiogram pulmonary abnormal, Anticoagulant therapy, Chest pain, Human rhinovirus test positive, Hypoxia, Lung infiltration, Pneumonia, Pulmonary embolism, Rhinovirus infection, SARS-CoV-2 test negativeSMQs:, Asthma/bronchospasm (broad), Interstitial lung disease (narrow), Embolic and thrombotic events, venous (narrow), Acute central respiratory depression (broad), Pulmonary hypertension (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Eosinophilic pneumonia (broad), Respiratory failure (broad), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Infective pneumonia (narrow), COVID-19 (broad)
Life Threatening? No Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? Yes Office Visit? No ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? No Hospitalized? Yes, ? days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications: none Current Illness: none Preexisting Conditions: asthma, obesity Allergies: none Diagnostic Lab Data: 8/24/2021: CT angiogram chest: +bilateral segmental pulmonary emboli COVID19 negative x 3 tests (PCR) +rhinovirus PCR - NP swab CDC Split Type:
Write-up: Patient was hospitalized with hypoxia, chest pain 3 weeks after 1st shot of COVID19 Pfizer. Found with bilateral segmental pulmonary emboli and small infiltrates bilateral, also had +PCR for rhinovirus. Being treated for pulmonary emboli and pneumonia with anticoagulation and antibiotics Improved since anticoagulation started, unclear if this is a side effect from COVID19 vaccine, patient will be getting 2nd shot while on anticoagulation.
13 Year Old, Acute Pancreatitis, Appendicitis Four Days Post Pfizer
VAERS ID:1634192 (history) Form:Version 2.0
Age:13.0 Sex:Male Location:Oregon
Vaccinated:2021-08-11Onset:2021-08-15 Days after vaccination:4Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-26
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECH- / 1LA / SYR
Administered by: Other Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Appendicectomy, Blood test, Computerised tomogram, Flank pain, Pathology test, VomitingSMQs:, Acute pancreatitis (broad), Retroperitoneal fibrosis (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow)
Life Threatening? Yes Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? Yes Office Visit? Yes ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? Yes Hospitalized? Yes, 1 days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications: None Current Illness: Cold Preexisting Conditions: None Allergies: None Diagnostic Lab Data: CT Scan x2 , Blood work x2, and his appendix went to a lab for testing. CDC Split Type:
Write-up: My son got his first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine and five days later he had sharp pains in his side followed by vomiting three times and being in pain all night. I took him to pediatrician in morning and was told to go to the ER where they did an emergency appendectomy on the Tuesday following his vaccine. I am not quite sure if it is a direct result of the vaccine but I did research on the website as well as the University and it states a 1/2500 chance through their testing.
VAERS ID:1636617 (history) Form:Version 2.0
Age:12.0 Sex:Male Location:California
Vaccinated:2021-08-18Onset:2021-08-21 Days after vaccination:3Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-26
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECHEW0187 / 2LA / IM
Administered by: Private Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Chest pain, Echocardiogram normal, Electrocardiogram normal, Illness, Myocarditis, Painful respiration, Troponin increasedSMQs:, Myocardial infarction (narrow), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Immune-mediated/autoimmune disorders (broad)
Life Threatening? No Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? Yes Office Visit? No ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? No Hospitalized? Yes, 3 days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications: None Current Illness: None Preexisting Conditions: Cough, variant asthma Allergies: nka Diagnostic Lab Data: Results as of 8/26/2021 09:08 8/21/2021 08:52 TROPONIN I: 1.99 (H) 8/21/2021 15:09 TROPONIN I: 2.37 (H) 8/21/2021 21:22 TROPONIN I: 19.51 (H) 8/22/2021 09:08 TROPONIN I: 19.73 (H) 8/22/2021 19:40 TROPONIN I: 22.17 (H) 8/23/2021 02:25 TROPONIN I: 23.67 (H) 8/23/2021 08:24 TROPONIN I: 15.96 (H) 8/23/2021 14:05 TROPONIN I: 14.02 (H) 8/23/2021 19:45 TROPONIN I: 11.45 (H) 8/24/2021 02:20 TROPONIN I: 6.91 (H) 8/24/2021 08:14 TROPONIN I: 3.65 (H) 8/25/2021 04:30 TROPONIN I: 0.91 (H) CDC Split Type:
Write-up: Pt is a previously healthy 12 Y 4 M male who received his second COVID Pfizer vaccine on 8/19/21 presenting with acute onset chest pain on the morning of 8/21. He describes it as sharp, worse with inspiration, and on the left side of chest, 10/10 at worse and now at 0/10. Initial troponin was 1.99 with a normal EKG/Echo. He was admitted to local HCF and was treated with acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and toradol; but around 1700-1800, his chest pain got worse. Repeat troponin was significantly increased to 19.5. Regional cardiology recommended he be transferred to a facility with specialty. Pt was transferred to another HCF on 8/22 Suspect myopericarditis 2/2 covid vaccine, less likely myocarditis 2/2 viral illness as no sign/sx of infection. Also endorsed passive SI to multiple team members, to be assessed by psychology. Neuro: - pain: ibuprofen 600mg TID with meals, pepcid 20mg PO qHS while on ibuprofen. - discharge with total 2 week course ibuprofen and pepcid CV: - Chest pain resolves with doses of ibuprofen. - Echo and EKG normal on 8/21/21. - Troponin peaked at 23.67, downtrended and was 0.91 at discharge.
15 YEAR OLD EIGHT DAY HOSPITALIZATION: Guillain-Barre syndrome, Neurological Disorders Gastrointestinal Problems
VAERS ID:1636772 (history) Form:Version 2.0
Age:15.0 Sex:Male Location:Pennsylvania
Vaccinated:2021-07-26Onset:2021-08-13 Days after vaccination:18Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-26
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECH- / UNK- / IM
Administered by: Private Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Alanine aminotransferase normal, Amphetamines negative, Anion gap, Aspartate aminotransferase normal, Ataxia, Barbiturates negative, Basophil count decreased, Basophil percentage, Benzodiazepine drug level, Blood albumin normal, Blood alkaline phosphatase normal, Blood bilirubin normal, Blood calcium normal, Blood cannabinoids, Blood chloride normal, Blood creatinine normal, Blood glucose normal, Blood magnesium normal, Blood potassium normal, Blood sodium normal, Blood thyroid stimulating hormone decreased, Blood urea normal, Blood urine absent, C-reactive protein normal, Carbon dioxide normal, Computerised tomogram head normal, Cytomegalovirus test negative, Dizziness, Drug screen negative, Dysmetria, Enterovirus test negative, Eosinophil count decreased, Eosinophil percentage, Epstein-Barr virus test, Full blood count normal, Gait disturbance, Glomerular filtration rate, Glucose urine absent, Haematocrit normal, Haemoglobin normal, Head discomfort, Herpes simplex test negative, Human herpes virus 6 serology negative, Immunoglobulin therapy, Influenza virus test negative, Lumbar puncture, Lymphocyte count, Lymphocyte percentage, Magnetic resonance imaging head normal, Mean cell haemoglobin concentration normal, Mean cell haemoglobin normal, Mean cell volume normal, Mean platelet volume normal, Metabolic function test, Metabolic function test normal, Methaemoglobin urine absent, Monocyte count decreased, Monocyte percentage, Neisseria test, Neurological examination normal, Neutrophil count, Neutrophil percentage, Nitrite urine absent, Platelet count normal, Protein total normal, Protein urine absent, Red blood cell count increased, Red blood cell sedimentation rate normal, Red cell distribution width, SARS-CoV-2 test negative, Specific gravity urine normal, Speech disorder, Streptococcus test negative, Urine analysis normal, Urine ketone body absent, Urine leukocyte esterase, Varicella zoster virus infection, Viral infection, Vitamin B12 increased, Vitamin D decreased, Weight decreased, White blood cell count decreased, pH urineSMQs:, Haematopoietic leukopenia (narrow), Peripheral neuropathy (broad), Hyperglycaemia/new onset diabetes mellitus (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Dementia (broad), Parkinson-like events (broad), Psychosis and psychotic disorders (broad), Guillain-Barre syndrome (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Hypothyroidism (broad), Hyperthyroidism (broad), Vestibular disorders (broad), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Hypoglycaemia (broad), Opportunistic infections (broad), COVID-19 (broad)
Life Threatening? No Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? No Office Visit? No ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? Yes Hospitalized? Yes, 8 days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications: None Current Illness: He had an acute diarrheal illness from 8/11-8/13 with no associated fever, vomiting, or nausea. Preexisting Conditions:Allergies: None CDC Split Type:
Write-up: Patient is a 15 yo M with no significant past medical history who presented with a two week history of worsening ataxia associated with "heaviness" of the head and 15 lb weight loss. Symptoms started on 8/13. Patient received pfizer COVID19 vaccine on 7/26/2021 and 8/16/2021. Initially presented to OSH ED on 8/18 for symptoms where a workup was negative including CBC, CMP, Magnesium, UA, COVID, UDS. CT Head showed no mass effect, hemorrhage or infarction. Was diagnosed with Viral Syndrome and discharged. Two days later (8/20/2021) instability while walking continued as patient could hardly walk. Yesterday evening continued ataxic gait with lightheadedness only on ambulation. No fevers, chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, vertigo. Of note father states that speech has changed in terms of fluency. Went back to ER on 8/23/2021 where CBC, CMP, ESR, CRP were all negative. Transferred to hospital for further evaluation and workup. In the hospital he has had unchanged ataxia, workup has been negative thus far. Has normal neurologic exam other than dysmetria on finger-to-nose testing, heel-to shin. Has ataxia falling to left side. Still hospitalized but starting on IVIG empirically.
15 YEAR OLD, Hospitalized MYOCARDITIS Massachusetts
VAERS ID:1636858 (history) Form:Version 2.0
Age:15.0 Sex:Male Location:Massachusetts
Vaccinated:2021-08-02Onset:2021-08-03 Days after vaccination:1Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-26
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECHFA7485 / UNK- / -
Administered by: Private Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Abdominal pain, Blood immunoglobulin A, Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio, Flavivirus test negative, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Joint swelling, Metabolic function test normal, Purpura, Rash, SARS-CoV-2 test negative, Scrotal swellingSMQs:, Anaphylactic reaction (broad), Acute pancreatitis (broad), Angioedema (broad), Haemorrhage terms (excl laboratory terms) (narrow), Retroperitoneal fibrosis (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow), Haemodynamic oedema, effusions and fluid overload (narrow), Vasculitis (narrow), Hypersensitivity (narrow), Arthritis (broad), Tendinopathies and ligament disorders (broad), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Immune-mediated/autoimmune disorders (narrow), COVID-19 (broad)
Life Threatening? No Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? No Office Visit? Yes ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? Yes Hospitalized? Yes, 2 days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications:Current Illness: none Preexisting Conditions: none Allergies: none Diagnostic Lab Data: COVID pcr 8/9/2021 neg 8/12/21 IgA 307 mg/dl * Chemistries normal Renal BUN Cr normal evaluation for Tick-borne illness negative CDC Split Type:
Write-up: Henoch-Schonlein purpura with purpuric rash on upper and lower extremities from 8/3/2021. Joint swelling, scrotal swelling intermittently. Severe abdominal pain 8/19/2021 requiring hospitalization and steroids
VAERS ID:1637243 (history) Form:Version 2.0 Age:14.0 Sex:Male Location:Nevada
Vaccinated:2021-06-17Onset:2021-06-18 Days after vaccination:1Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-26
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECHEW0180 / 2LA / SYR
Administered by: Pharmacy Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Myocarditis, TroponinSMQs:, Cardiomyopathy (broad), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Immune-mediated/autoimmune disorders (broad)
Life Threatening? No Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? Yes Office Visit? No ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? No Hospitalized? Yes, 4 days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications: none Current Illness: none Preexisting Conditions: none Allergies: none Diagnostic Lab Data: bloos test to monitor troponin levels throughout 06/19-06/23 CDC Split Type:
Write-up: myocarditis
15 Year old Hospitalized Rhabdomyolysis (Cardiac Disorder) & HEART ATTACK
VAERS ID:1637611 (history) Form:Version 2.0
Age:15.0 Sex:Male Location:Unknown
Vaccinated:2021-08-24Onset:2021-08-25 Days after vaccination:1Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-08-26
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECH- / 1- / IM
Administered by: Unknown Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Blood creatine phosphokinase increased, Chest pain, Rhabdomyolysis, TroponinSMQs:, Rhabdomyolysis/myopathy (narrow), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Myocardial infarction (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad)
Life Threatening? No Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? No Office Visit? No ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? Yes Hospitalized? Yes, ? days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications: olanzapine 2.5mg daily Current Illness:Preexisting Conditions:Allergies: NKA Diagnostic Lab Data: 8/25/21 @1710: CK 6177; Troponin <0.01 8/25/21 @1906: CK 6022 8/26/21 @0648: CK 7016 CDC Split Type:
Write-up: 15yo M w hx depression presenting w chest pain found to have rhabdomyolysis
VAERS ID:999492 (history) Form:Version 2.0
Age:6.0 Sex:Male Location:Foreign
Vaccinated:2021-01-10Onset:2021-01-10 Days after vaccination:0Submitted:0000-00-00Entered:2021-02-04
Vaccination / ManufacturerLot / DoseSite / RouteCOVID19: COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) / PFIZER/BIONTECHEL1491 / UNKLA / OT
Administered by: Other Purchased by: ? Symptoms: Anaphylactic shock, Dyspnoea, Hypotension, Off label use, Product administered to patient of inappropriate ageSMQs:, Anaphylactic reaction (narrow), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Anaphylactic/anaphylactoid shock conditions (narrow), Acute central respiratory depression (broad), Pulmonary hypertension (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Hypersensitivity (narrow), Medication errors (narrow), Dehydration (broad), Hypokalaemia (broad)
Life Threatening? Yes Birth Defect? No Died? No Permanent Disability? No Recovered? Yes Office Visit? No ER Visit? No ER or Doctor Visit? No Hospitalized? Yes, ? days Extended hospital stay? No Previous Vaccinations:Other Medications:Current Illness:Preexisting Conditions:Allergies:Diagnostic Lab Data:CDC Split Type: DEPFIZER INC2021083095
Write-up: Anaphylactic shock; Hypotension; Dyspnoea; A male 6-year(s)-old patient was vaccinated with Comirnaty; A male 6-year(s)-old patient was vaccinated with Comirnaty;
This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable physician via Regulatory Authority, downloaded (DE-PEI-PEI2021001477). A 6-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (COMIRNATY; Batch/lot number: EL1491) intramuscular in the left upper arm on 10Jan2021 at single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient previously received influenza vaccine in Oct2020 for immunisation and experienced dyspnoea. On 10Jan2021, 5 minutes after vaccination, the patient developed anaphylactic shock with dyspnoea and hypotension, lasting for 30 minutes. The patient was hospitalized and condition was considered life-threatening. The patient recovered from the events on an unspecified date in Jan2021. Relatedness of drug to all reaction(s)/event(s) was reported as D. Unclassifiable (by PEI).
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