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Guest Post by Rose

Major Pfizer Headlines & Court Ruling Ignored by the Media, Scientists Document Vaccine Trial Fraud

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Reason for silence from the the majority of MSM explained in 58 seconds

Companion Blog:

Pfizer /Moderna Military Funding For Vaccines, Decade of Headlines In Lead Up to Covid-19 Vaccines (Pfizer awarded military contract to reinvent vaccination in 2013)

Latest VAERS release of Covid-19 Pfizer (only) Vaccination Injury/Death Report: 83% of VAERS data is generated by MANDATED reporters per government health official source documentation:

Recent Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Headlines:

Update Dec 9, 2021:

(four student out of 700 went into Anaphylactic shock after administration of Pfizer vaccine at a clinic - one dead, one critical care)

(People under age thirty at statistically zero risk from Covid-19 attributed infection per CDC data as documented HERE)

(Pfizer suppressed majority of injury and death reports and sought to keep documents classified until 2076)

This story affirms European Parliamentary Member reports showing severely redacted Pfizer data released to European Policy makers

(this may be core reason we are seeing companies & health organizations rescinding vaccine mandate, the drug is STILL EUA, refer to above article for details, Comirnaty as a separate FDA approved drug appears to not even exist)

Feature Headline/Story:

15 Swedish Scientists called for immediate halt to Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination program in Sweden due to fraudulent research trial design: (November 2)

"The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reveals on 2 November 2021 that a subcontractor to Pfizer likely engaged in extensive research fraud during the phase III trial of Pfizer's cov vaccine in autumn 2020. The article's main witness is Brook Jackson, the Texas regional director of the research organisation Ventavia Research Group, who was working on Pfizer's vaccine trials in September 2020 . Jackson's testimony shows that the company falsified data, blinded patients, hired inadequately trained vaccinators and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in the Phase III trial. The quality control staff were overwhelmed by the number of problems they discovered.

After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of the deficiencies, Brook Jackson sent an email complaint to the FDA on 25 September 2020. Ventavia fired her later that day. To substantiate her criticism, Jackson provided BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings and emails. The BMJ backs up her testimony with statements from many former Ventavia employees.

The article also reveals that the FDA never conducted a review of the operations where Brook Jackson worked. The article describes that the FDA has too few resources to review clinical trials. From 2000 to 2005, only about 1 percent of all studies were reviewed, and since then the number of reviews has declined. In August 2021, the FDA published a summary of the number of reviews of Pfizer's covaccine studies. In total, 9 of 153 study sites had been reviewed, representing 6 percent of study".

The BMJ article is just the tip of the iceberg.

The problems with the testing methods are extensively documented by the government public health organization and test manufacture own data.

All Covid-19 case/mortality/hospitalization data and research trials studies are invalidated through use of testing methods which are non-specific to Covid-19, developed without any virus isolate, set at cycle amplification levels which produce 100% false positives by default of the settings, and deemed 'useless for detection of Sars CoV2' by 22 expert peer review for the International Consortium of Science last November.

Additionally, the vast majority of Covid-19 kits and testing devices issued since the inception of the testing program have been subsequently recalled by the FDA. This compromises over 270 different testing devices, and hundreds of millions of tests. Further, many of the recalls were initiated due to mass contamination of tests with bacteria and fungus. 2 million more tests were recalled only two weeks ago.

Credible researchers, scientists, and health professionals have red flagged core scientific error in establishment of Sars CoV2 as a 'novel' coronavirus responsible for cluster symptom syndrome labeled Covid-19:

Clip from full interview below - full interview may be viewed HERE

The Children's Health Defense (led by Robert Kennedy Jr) reported on this story but failed to publish the video or translation as the site promised with the original page to Warsaw conference linking to a November CHD news conference in Italy. Please contact CHD and tell them to release the translation/testimony from this hearing. This crucial event was not published on the American CHD site at all. If any of our readers have links to the Polish hearing, please forward video/translation to be published on this site.

Pfizer major drug recalls/warning labels issued this year:

December 3:

Dec 3 (Reuters) - The U.S. health regulator has added its strictest warning to the labels of drugs from Pfizer (PFE.N), Eli Lilly (LLY.N) and AbbVie (ABBV.N) belonging to a class of anti-inflammatory treatments called JAK inhibitors, citing risk of serious health issues and death in patients 50 and over, the drugmakers said on Friday.

The addition of the warning on the labels follows the agency's review of Pfizer's Xeljanz after initial results from a February trial showed an increased risk of serious heart-related problems and cancer in some patients being treated with the drug. read more

Xeljanz, which brought in worldwide sales of $2.44 billion for Pfizer in 2020, is approved in the United States for the treatment of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ulcerative colitis - an inflammatory bowel disease.

Pfizer is voluntarily recalling all lots of its anti-smoking drug Chantix due to high levels of cancer-causing agents called nitrosamines in the pills.

The recall is for all lots of 0.5 mg and 1 mg varenicline tablets, the Food and Drug Administration said Thursday. Long-term ingestion of the drug can lead to a "potential increased cancer risk in humans, but there is no immediate risk to patients taking this medication."

Section 2: Criminal Fraud and severe problems with Pfizer medications/medical device status quo

Pfizer's Criminal Record - the documentation:

September 2, 2009:

Press Conference: Announcement of Largest Criminal Fraud Settlement in History


The 2009 Pfizer medical fraud scandal wasn't an aberration or isolated incident. The corporation has a long history of criminal scandal dating back to the 1950s. The company has been charged with everything from bribing doctors to illegally experimenting on children in African nations.

Spotlight PFIZER Criminal Record (please review the second half of this blog for documentation of other Pfizer criminal scandals & political conflict of interests including former FDA chief, Scott Gottlieb, now sitting on the Board of Pfizer)

Despite this long and documented history of criminal behavior by Pfizer, the military rewarded pharmaceutical company in 2013 with military contracts to develop the next generation of vaccines:

December 8, 2013

"News of the project emerged after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)--the research arm of the Pentagon--awarded Pfizer a three-year, $7.7 million contract. Details of the research are scarce, but what DARPA has revealed implies it wants to cut response times to pandemic or bioterrorism threats by eliminating several of the steps currently needed to confer immunity.

"Pfizer shall perform a research and development program designed to develop a technology platform to identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual," the Department of Defense wrote in its roundup of recent contracts.

Timeline of headlines and history of military funding and development of mRNA vaccination technology in the run up to release of Covid-19 vaccines may be reviewed HERE.

End of update:

Bookmark this page: this page will be updated with relevant Pfizer developments

And, remember, pharmaceutical injuries are third lead causing of death:

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1 comentário
15 de dez. de 2021


HERE IS WEEK 51 in the Plannedamic VAERS Reports that is only ONE PERCENT of the actual amount of cases NOT REPORTED!

Quoting from my email inbox, form . . .

We are entering week 51 of the coronavirus vaccine campaign in the U.S.

Did you ever imagine that the VAERS numbers would look like this:

927,738 total reports

19,532 deaths

3,148 miscarriages

31,652 reports of permanent disability

and yet still no official acknowledgement of this glaring safety signal?

The failure of public health gatekeepers to use their own vaccine safety monitoring system for its intended purpose as required by law is one of the biggest news stories in our lifetime."


So we are going to…

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