Important additional video testimony from physicians/nurses/trial participants and vaccine injured may be viewed HERE. Vaccines are starting to be pulled in European and other nations as US moves to expand boosters:
Recommended Companion Article:
Over 890,000 US citizens now report injuries from Covid-19 vaccination with over 18,000 deaths, 80,000 hospitalizations & 25,000 permanent disabilities. VAERS system found to capture only 1% of adverse vaccine reactions per Harvard Study review.
83% of VAERS Reports are generated from medical providers, state reporting agencies, and pharmaceutical companies Most VAERS reports are documented from MANDATED reporters and not voluntary submissions as misrepresented by media sources.
The FDA has admitted the mass vaccination program began without adequate safety monitoring system. A recent study from Mass General, Bingham documented anaphylactic reactions post Covid-19 vaccine occurring up to 120x the rate reported to the CDC. This highly suggests the system is continuing to vastly under capture post vaccination adverse events. ,
UK now documents over 1 million post Covid-19 vaccine injuries,
Latest European Numbers over 2, 000,000 injuries and near 30,000 deaths:
Latest VAERS injury numbers report over 894,,000 injuries & nearly 19,000 deaths & over 24,800 permanent disabilities in association with the vaccination:

Update: BOMBSHELL, 11/27
Mainstream UK news channel is whistle-blowing the cardiac harm induced by the vaccines:
Update 11/29/2021
16 year old Thailand student dead three days post Pfizer vaccine, blood clots
Italian Citizens hold March for the Deceased - family members walk with signs:
Taiwan has pulled Pfizer in under 18s due to myocarditis risk, Moderna has been pulled for all ages in Iceland and under 30s in several Nordic countries and France. Pfizer has been correlated to a high level of myocarditis in teens & under 30s with Israeli study documenting up to a 1 in 3,000 risk in this age group (for a population at near statistically zero risk per review of CDC data from a Covid-19 attributed serious outcome. Experts are misrepresenting myocarditis risk as 'mild' and not explaining a diagnosis of myocarditis will result in hospitalization and long term follow up with no known long term outcome. Video testimony by Dr Linda Wastilla explaining myocarditis risk from vaccines in Senate panel may be viewed here.
Norway changed its recommendation for administration of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines to frail elderly last January after 13 of 23 of the autopsies correlated the Pfizer vaccine to deaths in frail elderly. Norway has now recommended to drop both AstraZeneca & Johnson and Johnson from Covid-19 vaccination program due to safety risks.
This, as the United States moves forward to approve boosters.
Update: Australian Nurses Whistleblow Vaccine Injuries:
Local media interviews nurse at protest in Southern Australia:
11 Anonymous Whistleblowers (nurses) testify at what is happening in the hospitals (confirmed through interviewer license check, employment status)
Update November 18:
Athletes Collapsing/Dying of Cardiac Issues - s
(please note, these stories are included in this blog due to alarming trend of collapse/death of athletes with 75 in past five months. Experts have issued warning in some countries against strenuous physical activity after Covid-19 vaccine due to myocarditis risk (up to 2 weeks). Three students have collapsed/died in past three days.
Israeli study correlated heart inflammation to the administration of the Pfizer vaccine and documented rate up to 1 in 3,000 (in young men and teens).
Reports for November (partial list)
Three Belgium professional cyclists Post Covid-19 Pfizer vaccination reactions (two cases of myocarditis)
A video compilation of athletes collapsing post Covid-19 vaccine may be viewed in this thread.
New reports of deaths of young athletes continue to be reported on weekly (sometimes daily basis)
Northwestern senior Caden Moore: (November 18)
"Northern State University officials say a student died unexpectedly on Wednesday.
Caden Moore, of O’Neill, Nebraska, was a senior studying special education and an NSU wrestler, according to a news release.
A 27-year-old Aragonese athlete who had participated this past Sunday, November 14 in the Behobia-San Sebastian, has died in a hospital in the capital of Gipuzkoa. The runner had apparently fainted and suffered cardiac arrest while contesting the event and was immediately evacuated to the hospital.
November 16:
Dejmi Dumervil-Jean No details/cause of death are mentioned
"A special tribute is planned for a local high school football player who suddenly died over the weekend'.
November 4
17 year old soccer players dies during game, (Pennsylvania US)
Blake Barklage, a senior at the Montgomery County high school, collapsed suddenly while celebrating a victory with his teammates. The school described the incident as a "sudden cardiac event." He was taken to a nearby by hospital and later pronounced dead.
This list will be moved to a separate post.
Update November 12:
Man dies of complications post Moderna Covid-19 vaccine - publishes story in his obituary:
Mother breaks silence: speaks publicly about death of her daughter two days post Moderna vaccine:
FIVE child deaths in Germany associated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine now reported by MSM German news outlets - changing policy to vaccinate only healthy in schools: Video & full report here (translates in Google to English) - the policy to prioritize vaccination in immunocompromised and disabled children violates Nuremberg code as they are the MOST vulnerable to potential side effects (as was seen in frail elderly dying in Norway last January which caused the country to change its vaccination policy in this age group):
Senator Ron Johnson Vaccine Mandate & Injury Hearing (extensive physician & testimony from Covid vaccine injured): FULL HEARING
Update November 1, 2021:
Timothy Hornsby: 36 Year died post Pfizer - rare MSM report - died two days post Pfizer, the CDC is not classifying deaths occurring before two weeks full vaccine course as 'vaccinated' in their official reporting policy:
Teen Girl, neurological complications:
Update October 27:
MP documents many hospitalized individuals due to vaccines, not being honestly discussed by government -
UK Sir Christopher Chope MP: “Our hospitals have got a large number of in-patients who are only there because those patients took the vaccine."
Update October 24:
FBI Special Agent Died One Day Post Covid-19 vaccination - wife video testimony:
Geoffrey Young, 45, Died the same night as vaccine after severe headache, medical examiner deemed it 'coincidence': (photo links to instagram video)
Teen hockey player forced to get jab to play hockey, dead two week later
Update October 23:
Young man documents pericarditis post Covid-19 vaccine, girlfriend diagnosed with myocarditis same day: Most comprehensive study from Israel documented up to 1 in 3,000 incidences of myocarditis occurring in teens and young adults, population at zero statistical risk from Covid-19 attributed infection with the testing program unsuitable for detection of the virus. All studies finding myocarditis higher from Covid are based on positive diagnosis from tests unsuitable per purpose as documented by public health organization & peer review research HERE. Myocarditis is never 'mild' as all cases require hospitalization for follow up, severe movement restrictions for at least eight weeks, and long term incident of heart damage and future reduced long term heart function remain unknown. Heart inflammation is SERIOUS and the public should be aware the context of 'mild' simply refers to individuals not immediately dying or requiring immediate serious intervention, not that the issue is minor:
Covid-19 vaccine injured Americans and the deceased family members are now forced to create their own videos, social media campaigns, and web sites, as the vast majority of media outlets actively refuses to do any true independent investigation of this story.
This is a very small sampling of the hundreds of thousands of stories of the Covid-19 vaccine injured along with whistle blower stories of health care professionals. Light and love to all of them:
Moderna HALTED entirely in Iceland, restricted to under 30s in other nations:
October 18, 2021:
Israeli Chief ER Physician Iyelet Ramon - no confidence vaccine injuries investigated, reviews case of health teen heart attack post Pfizer Covid vaccine:
Amidst RECORD VAERS injury and death reports, Moderna & Pfizer aimed to rake in 93 billion dollars.
Update: September 27:
Italian 17 year old teen girl, died of thrombosis one week post Pfizer vaccination:
Go to THE COVID WORLD for latest stories, teen injuries and deaths reported around globe last week in conjunction with Covid-19 vaccinations.
Update September 23:
West Virginia Hospital Employee Shares Severe Side Effects from Vaccines at meeting to force Vax on employees:
Korean Major Newspaper Reports Deaths of Young Adults Post Pfizer Vaccine:
Dr Danice Hertz, Severe Neurological Disorders Post Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine, Whistle Blows the Government Stonewalling:
State Senate NC Whistleblower, Respiratory Nurse: Treatment Protocol & Remdesvir Killing Patients:
Quit: 'It was like Auschwitz (Note: Blog has red flagged Ivermectin, info HERE)
Update: September 21
Vaccinated Respiratory Therapist, Severe Cardiovascular Issues:
Young student athlete offered bribe to suppress myocarditis story post Pfizer vaccination, he is warning people in a Twitter campaign: John Stokes
September 9th Update:
Linked in Original German Text Above, Translate in Any Online Translator
Mainstream Regular News Source
Video Story:
Healthcare compilation stating Covid-19 falsely being attributed to cover up vaccine injuries:
Links to video, click photo below:
Update: September 1, 2021:
BBC Presenter on Newcastle Radio Station Found to Be Caused by Astrazeneca Vaccination: Media initially reported Shaw's death as vaccine related and stated she died after short illness:

Widower of Lisa Shaw (above) stated doctors did not know how to treat wife's adverse reaction, warned of extreme caution. Video comment:
Kelly Higgins public saga of being convinced to take Covid-19 vaccine by 'experts' (who have failed to undergo the most basic review of data and recite public health official claims contradicted by the actual evidence) only to develop myocarditis and require subsequent hospitalization.
Update: Wed Aug, 11: Severe Vaccine Injury in Young Woman, Mother Speaks Out
Mother Only Allowed 1/2 HR visit with 34 Year Old Daughter who Experience Brain Bleed/Blood Clots 4 Weeks Post Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine - Seeking Help
Massive Brain Bleed in Famous Ireland Soccer Player Roy Butler, Three Days After Janssen Covid-19 vaccine, immediate severe head aches, Aunt went public, media refuses to report:

Video, press play:
Click on photo and scroll to the bottom of link to watch and listen to individual story of Covid-19 vaccine injury:
A group of almost 30,000 Vaccine Injured have formed on Facebook:
Vaccine Injured Speak Out: Support Unvaccinated - Warn Others About Severe Effects & Censorship of Injured:
Story about group from GatewayPundit :
Wayne Cunnington: Severe Injury AstraZeneca:
VIDEO: Stephanie Wesil, Educator & Mother of Two, Died Post Moderna Covid-19 Vaccination - Ex Husband Tells Her Story:
Drene Keyes, Virginia Minister & Mother, Treating ER Physician & Autopsy determined Pfizer vaccination correlated to immediate anaphylactic shock as cause of Keyes death. Public health officials denied family request for autopsy, family was forced to pay. Despite physician statement, classic symptom presentation of anaphylactic shock, and autopsy confirmation, public health officials deemed Keyes death as caused by 'Covid-19' on absolutely no evidence what so ever,
Internal emails show evidence of coordinated cover-up
(click on photo for link to full story).
Drene Keyes, Died Post Anaphylactic Reaction to Pfizer Vaccine, Death Implicated in Political Cover Up
Stephanie de Caray and her twelve year old daughter who participated in the Pfizer trials as a 12-year-old, interview trailer:

Video Trailer, click play:
Watch Stephanie's full interview at C19 Vax Reactions with Several Other Covid-19 vaccine injured interviews HERE.
You may report your own Covid-19 vaccine injury to C19 Vax Reactions HERE.
Young Man with Blood Clots in Left Arm:
The CDC has adopted a 'plausible deniability standard' for attribution of a mortality to a Covid-19 vaccination. In the early weeks of the vaccination program, 36 individuals developed thrombocytopenia in association with Pfizer & Moderna Covid-19 vaccinations, a very severe and often fatal blood clotting illness.
Dr Michael Gregory, a healthy individual with no prior history of blood disorders or other conditions associated with development of thrombocytopenia developed the rare blood disorder shortly after administration of Pfizer Covid-19 vacciantion. No lab test revealed any other underlying condition to explain the sudden development of thrombocytopenia, the condition resulted in a brain hemorrhage that killed him.
Despite no other plausible explanation for the development of a listed side effect of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination & the autopsy attributing Gregory's death to thrombocytopenia, the investigative committee tasked with reviewing Dr Gregory's death deemed he died from 'natural causes' since it could not be stated with 'medical certainty' that the Pfizer vaccination resulted in his death.
This is a striking deviation from the CDC criteria for attribution of a death to Covid-19 infection. 96% of Covid-19 attributed deaths have an average of 4.0 comorbidities. Deaths occurring up to 60 days post positive Sars CoV2 test (virus attributed to cause Covid-19 symptoms) are attributed to Covid-19 despite no medical certainty that the Sars CoV2 virus resulted in the death.
The media is now reporting the recent death of a elderly man post Moderna as the first case of death from blood clotting associated with the vaccine. Evidence shows this is not the first blood disorder death due to the Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations, only the first death the CDC has directly attributed to it.
The CDC methods do not warrant public trust.
Dr Michael Gregory, Click on photo for full story:
Other Moderna linked deaths which the CDC refuses to correlate to vaccine despite significant of correlation include:
Griselda Flores, Moderna (another handful of deaths were reported in a cluster occurring one to three days after Covid-19 vaccine administration in a one week period in California), Click on Photo for Full Story:
Kassidi Kurill, Healthy 39 Year Old Mother, Dead Four Day Post Moderna:
Everett Romney, 17, Severe Blood Clots Post Pfizer Vaccination (click on photo for blog with full story and links):
Israeli study documented up to 1 in 3,000 young adults and teens developing myocarditis post Covid-19 mRNA Moderna & Pfizer vaccination. Despite reports of 'mildness' of cases, anyone with a myocarditis diagnosis will be hospitalized and placed on movement restrictions for a minimum of a two month period. Cardiac cells do not generate, and long term harm and health implications are not known with initial diagnosis. This is what a 'mild case' of myocarditis actually means:
Cases of injury and deaths associated with Covid-19 vaccination include:
Shirel Hilel, Died of Myocarditis Post Pfizer (click on photo for blog including coverage of her story:

Healthy Nineteen year old North Western college student died after developing Myocarditis and requiring a heart transplant post Covid-19 Moderna vaccination (click on photo for blog including full information on this story, the media twisted itself into a pretzel to blame the heart transplant for the death instead of the Covid-19 vaccination which destroyed her heart and made the transplant necessary :
19 Year Old Simone Scott
1000 Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Stories compiled on this blog: (new updates in August)
The Covid-19 Blog has been compiling stories for months on 'coincidental' deaths with symptoms mirroring Covid-19 vaccine side effects: (new updates near daily)
More Injury Stories: Real Not Rare
Telegram Community:
In 1976, the Swine Flu vaccination was pulled from the market after it was associated with 53 deaths. In 2021, nearly 7,000 deaths have been publicly reported to so far (with significant evidence the CDC is backloading injury reports). Over 25% of Covid-19 vaccine associated deaths occur within minutes to less than 48 hours post vaccination with over 55% clustering within the first week. Early clustering indicates a pattern which implicates Covid-19 vaccination in the mortalities:
Media continues to normalize harmful Covid-19 vaccine side effects, and the majority of American do not report vaccine reactions after being indoctrinated into the mistaken belief that becoming ill after Covid-19 vaccination with side effects that mirror Covid-19 attributed symptoms protects their health.
Decades of Pharmaceutical Company advertisements have convinced many Americans, SICKNESS IS HEALTH:
Please share widely, Unite4Truth is under severe censorship, help us spread vital information to protect public health. THANK YOU!
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Good info, again.... but somewhat really totally "heart-wrenching" to state the least!
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And it was!