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Great Awakening Video Compilation: Protests, Commentary, Truth Rising Part 2 - Bookmark for Updates

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

The largest & most unified global protests in history are occurring against Covid-19 vaccine mandates and policies and FOR People's power, unity, and empowerment. The media is blacking them out. (bookmark, this page will be periodically updated)

Emergency Update: Military Taking Indigenous Citizens into Quarantine Camps

As the controllers are losing authority, they are moving into increasing desperate tactics (and this is desperation NOT strength), Australia has now moved to round up 38 indigenous citizens (by military truck) to be placed into quarantine facilities. This is a criminal act, a crime against humanity, please SHARE this post everywhere and SPEAK OUT. Call media, policy makers share this video on every social media outlet. If we allow this to happen in any other country, it will be expanded to the rest of the globe. (twitter post for direct sharing HERE)

And, be clear, contingency plans to round up citizens into quarantine centers are in place in the US as documented HERE and HERE & HERE. (Medical Freedom laws are newspeak for legislation which includes draconian government detainment powers).

The Great Awakening is HERE:

Unite4Truth Companion Blogs/Video Compilations:

Video compilation update page 1 HERE

Video Thread focus on injured and health professional whistleblowers:

Physician, Nurse, Vaccine Injured Video Testimony & Stories of the Injured HERE

IMPORTANT video with whistleblower testimony:

HUGE compilation of previous protests HERE:

Truth Rising Part 1:

Also see home page for additional video stories & archives

New Content HERE:

Must watch and share commentary to share with family & friends:

How Tyranny Rises - a brief and powerful summation:

(video above mentions how this has happened throughout history, companion blog HERE & HERE)

ERNST WOLFF - UNCOVERING THE CORONA NARRATIVE (important summary of what has been occurring over the last 20 months): German Economist

(bitchute link to share HERE - uploaded as it is disappearing from many platforms)

Great Awakening is HAPPENING. WE are winning, do not doubt it for a second. This empire is falling:

New York

New York AGAIN

We, The PEOPLE, WILL NOT COMPLY (no we won't)!

Rome (Buon Natale to my kin)

Rome again (singing)

Australia Rises:

Continuous protest in front of Australian parliament continues:

Austria Police Walk with Protestors (remember 'they' don't have the control - all the tech and surveillance is useless with no one to obey or enforce their dictates)

Crowd chants Freedom: Austria:

France (more singing)

Austria Crowd Chants Freedom

Austria locking down unvaccinated while authorities admit inoculations do not stop transmission of disease:

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1 Comment

Nancy Akin
Nov 24, 2021

I'm making over $17k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make online so I decided to look into it. Well, it was all true and has totally changed my life.

This is what I do..........

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